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domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011

The history of Internet

Watch the video about the history of internet.

22 comentarios:

casino de empleados epmsc dijo...

It is a good article It mentions the beginning of the Internet and up to like and when create the abbreviation @

ronald f gallego grisales dijo...

nice article... lol

diego fernando molina dijo...

Is a article very interesting because his speak the beguinning of internet

steven vasquez gutierrez dijo...

this vidio is interesting because show the history the internet.

leidy mesa dijo...

teacher is very good information you gave us, very interesting history

luis fernando dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
luis fernando dijo...

In this article we see how the internet has passed since its creation

oscar ivan dijo...

it article is interesting

dannia valverde dijo...

The video is very interesting to me because it is good to be a little informed about stories and updates that has had the world

yuri bocanegra dijo...

Very important video shows the history of the internet as it is a very useful tool today

deyanira del carmen quintero dijo...

I find very interesting to see the evolution that took the internet and the utility that provides.

Unknown dijo...

this video is interesting because it gives us an idea of how the internet was created.

Unknown dijo...

The video on the history of the Internet is interesting, because it shows HOME AS IN THAT YEAR AND THE EVOLUTION THAT HAS BEEN AND WHAT YOU HAVE COME OUT IN SO LITTLE TIME.

Unknown dijo...

Hello teacher
Praticando of estaforma nospermite to the quirir muchomas knowledge

Unknown dijo...

The abance that it has had hospitalize hancido very importantly for that information is permitodo to handle us mas

David Hurtado dijo...

it´s so interresting that history about the interconected netwok.

it`s so informative

i like it

Ingrid Vanessa Velez Ruiz dijo...

It`s a nice article, beacuase it means about the history of internet, if you dont know traduces "Interconnected Network"..Iteresting.

Ok. Take care

Leidy Tatiana Perez dijo...

the video is interesting, because shows the trascendent of the internet...

ejemplares del futuro dijo...

The video on the history of the Internet is interesting because it shows home and in the year and the trend has been and what they have gone in as little as mantenefos timepo evolving day by day

brian calambaz dijo...

is important to know the history of the internet to have a basic knowledge of it

angiebarona dijo...

thanks to the internet history of the various ways I could write an email and a website tambn learned to listen attentively as the correct one to write emails

angiebarona dijo...

att alberto castillo