Entradas populares

martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

Computer parts and descriptions.

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23 comentarios:

deyanira del carmen quintero dijo...

very good learn the parts of Coputer in English.

thanks teacher

mayra alejandra martinez vargas dijo...

is very important to know the parts of the computer in English and its function...

Unknown dijo...

very very good learn the parties of computer in english

Unknown dijo...

very very good learn the parts of Coputer in English

Hnainton Hurtado dijo...


Ingrid Vanessa Velez Ruiz dijo...

Thanks teacher...
it`s so important know parts of the PC, then its something very useful in our life.

yuri bocanegra dijo...

excellent exercise but I think they cheated on a question for the person to lose, and very important know parts the pc

oscar ivan dijo...

feel me very good that learn many new Word

Leidy Tatiana Perez dijo...

is important to know the parts and funtions of computer, is useful for our lives

Diego Fernando Dominguez Tusarma dijo...

No teacher. very difficult. but I think is so interesting.
I want to know where I claim my prize because I need the money jejeje.

ronald f gallego grisales dijo...

it so important know that

Yuly Cristina Plaza dijo...

It is very important to know the parts of a computer and their functions for our daily life

steven vasquez gutierrez dijo...

The image shows the computer with their parties and turn its functions.

diana marcela angulo a. dijo...

is important to know the parts of the computer in English

leidy mesa dijo...

the image is very good help to learn the parts of computer

laura trochez dijo...

is very important to know the parts of the computer in English because it helps to know more vocabulary.

Unknown dijo...

to know the meaning of these words in English helps us improve our vocabulary

luis fernando dijo...

by today's computer technology can perform work more efficiently

Unknown dijo...

All the estrutura that with put the conputador are fudamentale and I ungave pensable in order that it could have a good functioning

cesarplacios0001 dijo...

is easier to learn as well as computer parts are explained in the picture

brian calambaz dijo...

is necessary to know the parts of a computer equipment to determine their functions

Juan David Montoya dijo...

We develop the parts of the computer in a soup of letters and we did prayers of every part and this I help us to understand in order that it serves every part of the computer of that this composed the computer and loo better it is that it was in English

angiebarona dijo...

This topic seems very interesting because through him I can expand my knowledge about the parts of the computer and with this I can differentiate the different parts and operations.
att alberto castilloooo