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martes, 22 de marzo de 2011


Computer system vocabulary and troubleshooting quizzzzz....
Go to http://www.quia.com/rr/409009.html

Ir a la pagina para trabajar vocabulario de sistemas de computo.

Good practice.

13 comentarios:

deyanira del carmen quintero dijo...

hello teacher

the activity is very interesting, by the game is didactic the learning. I liked much the work whit the vocabulary computer system.

teacher reach teo thousand points, will practice more

Unknown dijo...

Is interesing this type of dynamic or activity because learn more on lenguague is very important

Unknown dijo...

It is very important this activity that helps us to be in contact with another language such as the english

casino de empleados epmsc dijo...

Very enterteining but very difficult to finish a good tool of learning

Ingrid Vanessa Velez Ruiz dijo...

It´s a very fun tool, cause push us to memorize some means..
Absolutely I like it...

Thanks teacher!!!!

Yuly Cristina Plaza dijo...

I found a very interesting game because it evaluates our knowledge on English and envelope the infirmation system.

ronald f gallego grisales dijo...

so hard i did that to many times.... but is so fun

steven vasquez gutierrez dijo...

I found very funny because a game is very educational and makes you think.

diana marcela angulo a. dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
diana marcela angulo a. dijo...

is great activity to learn more vocabulary

Unknown dijo...

This activity is very good because it helps us expand our vocabulary in different aspects as it related to computing.

luis fernando dijo...

hello teacher is very important as it helps us improve our intellectual level as you practice. thanks

Leidy Tatiana Perez dijo...

the game is very fun,because is learn and is memorize more easy.