Entradas populares

sábado, 5 de febrero de 2011

Learning a Second Language

Since the world became globalized and the need of being into the economical boom, people around the globe started the process of learning a second language, that is why THE ITA LANGUAGE CENTER is developing a program where students of the institution will find usefull tools to reach the international interaction with diferent communities around a world full of opportunities, so we are inviting you to read all our articles and dicover everythig we have for you.

19 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

l'information me plaît

angiebarona dijo...

It is good take place where to be able to learn mas on this language

si dijo...
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si dijo...

zulmayolimavalenciaramirez dice
is very interesting that with this class of article him give the oportunity to the student to have tools useful for a good development of in glish.

deyanira del carmen quintero dijo...
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deyanira del carmen quintero dijo...

although I'm scared commit errors ago what possible for leam and apply the knowledge.

and acknowledge hte university for educate for compete in any part the world.

very thanks.

luis fernando dijo...

have a second language opens doors to many opportunities

Karol Owens dijo...

I am very interested in to learn english i like very much and i want to speak perfectly :)

Unknown dijo...

English is important because every day is to become the second international language

dany alejandro muñoz dijo...

is necessary and indispensable

yuri bocanegra dijo...
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yuri bocanegra dijo...

necessary and very important speak English for have more oportunity to work

Leidy Tatiana Perez dijo...

the english is necesary and very important for have more opportunities of work and benefit for our lives.


this blog is very interesting, because see how the teachers think in our futures, in the future of the students of the institution. CONGRATULATIONS TEACHERS

ronald f gallego grisales dijo...

A second language opens the doors to many jobs around the world. The articles will keep the students informed in connected internacionaly.

Unknown dijo...

is so important cuz` in a future, the universal language will be english...............and now in the all works need bilingual persons...........

Anónimo dijo...

is very important to learn English so that we have more opportunity in life

Unknown dijo...

I find it very enjoyable to learn another language other than Spanish

ejemplares del futuro dijo...

is very important to give the tools in the classroom because we help us do better